Monday, September 3, 2007


Choosing appropriate keywords is extremely important; keywords are what lead searchers to your site.

Choosing the right keywords is one of the first things you should do.

Think about what you sell. How would you, yourself search for it? What keywords would YOU key in to find it? Ask your friends, how would they search?

Ask yourself who you need to target; who needs your products.

Try not to use "stop words", these are works like "and" and "the". Be specific with your keywords. The better they are, the better your chances that people will find your products.

Look at your competition. Do NOT copy them but looking at how they are marketing their keywords can give you some ideas on how you might want to use your keywords.

Use keyword tools, many are available for free online. Google's keyword tool is the one I recommend.

Research, research and research! That's the key.

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